A World Apart and Other Stories: Czech Women Writers at the Fin de Siècle

Published December 7, 2022

A World Apart brings together translations of eight stories by Czech women from the turn of the twentieth century—a period of female political emancipation and impressive literary development in Czechoslovakia.

The book by translator Kathleen Hayes introduces the reader to the first ever English translations of short stories by neglected Czech authors at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The collection of eight short stories is linked by the time of their composition, the beginning of women’s emancipation at the beginning of the 20th century, and the personality of the translator. The selection of short stories is supported by precise and readable translations of stories by Božena Benešová, Růžena Jesenská, Marie Majerová and others. In addition, the book is supplemented by biographies of all eight authors.

Find more information about the book A World Apart and Other Stories: Czech Women Writers at the Fin de Siècle here.