From 2017 to 2019, artists and culture professionals from all 28 current members of the European Union joined in a project that was devoted to exploring their lives and ways of living in different cultural, economical and political environments: Our Lives. Artistically diving into the relations between them, finding similarities, acknowledging differences and exploring the collision of different lives through contemporary theatre performances.The four co-organizing partners of the Our Lives project – Gorilla Theater (Germany), Kolektiv Narobov/Zavod Federacija (Slovenia), Combats Absurdes (France) and Česká improvizační liga (Czech Republic) – are theatres devoted to exploring and developing the method of theatrical improvisation and creating improvisational theatre productions. They gathered 28 improvisational artists from within the European Union, some of whom knew each other, some of whom had never met before, all of whom would become close new friends and colleagues within the next months.Throughout the project, each of the partners hosted a Creation Week in their country, within which smaller groups of seven performers of the overall ensemble were led by an Artistic Director from each of the theatres.